Friday, September 7, 2012

Busy and Fun Day

After doing another round of macademia harvesting, D. showed us around the property.
All the mandarins we can eat.  Oh, how I wish we could grow citrus trees back home.

Me and D. discussing things to consider when planning a hobby farm.

S. showing me how to care for a beehive.

It was such a nice day, and our last day here, so D. & S.thought we should go to the beach. They have been so great, taking us to wonderful places every day.

It was about 20 degrees, but with no wind and full sun, it was definitely hot enough for the beach.

Chris in his swim trunks.  Will he do it?

He did it!  His first swim in New Zealand.  The water was still cold... about the same as Martinique beach back home, "on a cold day" says Chris.

I preferred to stay nice and warm on the beach, trying not to lose my Fiji tan.

The wave almost got me!

The men here look very fashionable in their scarves, so Chris decided to join them.

Bum grab?

They call this Frogtown Beach.  Not sure why.  No frogs to be seen.

After the beach we picked up a rental car.  I'm a very good navigator... except for that nasty right/left business that always confuses me.

We drove south to Waipu, a town that was settled by a bunch of Scots from Nova Scotia. 

A preacher, Norman MacLeod, lead a large number of Scots to Pictou in Nova Scotia.

But apparently Pictou was a bit too wicked for his taste, and he ended up in St. Ann's in Cape Breton.  When the winters proved too harsh, over 900 of them moved again to Waipu, and have been here ever since.  We drove along "Nova Scotia Road" and got a nice view of MacLeod Bay.

My first time driving the car.  Look how well I multitask!

Yet another gorgeous beach.  Yadda yadda. This place is full of 'em.

A short walk to Piroa Falls.


  1. Darn that wicked ol' Pictou. *snicker* Loving the scenery!! :)

  2. These beaches look amazing! Love the Nova Scotia connection. Nice scarf-shot Chris!

  3. It is so exciting to read all your adventures. Can't wait for the next one!

  4. There's info about those Gaels who left St Ann's at the Gaelic College. It was much more than harsh winters that put the run on them.

    Loving the blog and the pictures and seeing a little bit of your adventures! Looks like you are learning lots and lots!
