Thursday, October 4, 2012

Te Mata Peak

Today we said goodbye to Abby, and drove north.  It was a rainy day, mostly driving, mostly boring.  But we did stop at Te Mata Peak...

That's Hawkes Bay in the distance.   The views are great, but photos would be better on a clear day.

Hard to explain how high and steep this hill is... I can't imagine running off the edge with a glider. 

No fences, guardrails or even warning signs about the cliff...  We were just walking along, and it wasn't until I saw Chris in the distance that I realized we were on the edge of a sheer drop.  Crazy Kiwis.

Felt steeper that it looks.  Or maybe I'm just a fraidy-cat.

Chris looking out over Hastings, as the skies get even darker.  It started to pour on our way down the hill.

Winner:  Ugliest Church.
I think this was in Wairua.  Looks like a prison... but it's an Anglican Church.

We're now in Gisborne, heading to Whakatane tomorrow, via the coast.  20 degrees and sunny tomorrow, so I promise more photos.

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